Sunday Mornings:
9:00 AM - Radiant Café
10:30 AM - Worship Center

Sunday Mornings:
9:00 AM - Radiant Café
10:30 AM - Worship Center

Current SERIES

We're glad you're Here!

Getting involved is one of the most spiritually enriching things one can do in their walk with Christ. It is where we create relationships, where iron sharpens iron, and ultimately lasting friendships. From Baptism to joining a Radiant Group, we can help you take the next step! If you are looking to join Radiant Church, check out our membership class!

Something for
the whole family

It is our desire to serve each and every member of your family - regardless of age. From nursery and youth to singles and seniors, THERE IS A PLACE FOR YOU at Radiant Church.

A place to belong

Getting involved is one of the most spiritually enriching things one can do in their walk with Christ. It is where we create relationships, where iron sharpens iron, and ultimately lasting friendships. From Baptism to joining a LifeGroup, we can help you take the next step! If you are looking to join Radiant Church, check out our membership class!

"From the moment you step into church, you feel like family."

- Carol

"The pastor's message was just what i needed to hear"

- John

"Radiant Church is like home to me"

- Laurie


As followers of Jesus we understand that God has entrusted us to be good stewards of His resources. One of the resources He has entrusted into our care is money, and how we spend our money is a reflection of what we value. Giving financially to the local church is to be an act of worship where we give cheerfully, thankfully, and generously in response to what Jesus has given for us.